Welcome, Mama!

This space is for you – To provide you with empowering movement solutions so you can live the life you desire – and feel your best!

Two kids hanging upside down on a rail. Mom is standing in-between them smiling at the camera.

Own your self-care, mama.

The demands of motherhood aren’t going anywhere – but that doesn’t mean you can’t bring yourself a bit of love and self-care every now and then. Consider the following programs your mini-escape to fine tune your bod, nurture your soul, and nourish your well-being.

Access the following programs from any device and stream your favorite classes at your leisure.

All of the programs in this community are curated for women trying to conceive, moms-to-be, and mommas caring for newborns, teens, and grand-babies. All women are included here. Take care of yourself so you can keep running the world around you!

Live Classes for Members

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  • Certified Core Breathing Belly Pump Coach, Fit For Birth
  • Certified Prenatal and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist, Fit For Birth
  • Certified Core & Diastasis Consultant, Fit For Birth
  • Certified Fascia Flossing Trainer (Level 2), The Floss
  • Certified Group Fitness Instructor, Les Mills
  • Certified Personal Trainer, NCSF

Melissa Ellis prides herself in providing moms and moms-to-be fitness foundations and functional core training to optimize a nurturing environment to help baby thrive in the womb and Earth-side, along with helping moms and women of all ages to feel good in their bodies at any stage of womanhood.

Melissa is passionate in setting the stage for better movement and posture for women and moms to help make their day a little easier!

I’ve been training clients for years on how to improve their functional movement and breathing mechanics.

When I first became a mother, I noticed how much my body was changing and quickly realized that it was going to take some time for me to rediscover my body. My pelvic floor and core became weak and my pelvis and posture became imbalanced. This set me on a journey…

I trained as a prenatal and postpartum fitness specialist and learned how important it is for women to establish the proper foundation for their body as it prepares for continuous changes.

A body that can support you for fertility, pregnancy, and all of the stages of motherhood is key. With a solid foundation, your body can then use its innate wisdom to help carry you through these big stages and changes.

I applied everything I learned to my second pregnancy and recovery and it was so empowering.

My body craved movements that were going to challenge my pelvic floor and core muscles in new ways – to support my pregnancy, improve the laboring experience, and make recovery easier on my body. This new foundation set me up to be able to care for my children with more ease and less discomfort. Bending over at a bathtub no longer wrecked my back. It was easy to get up from the floor, hands free, since my arms were busy with a toddler, a heavy diaper bag, and a baby carrier.

Of course, this didn’t all happen overnight. It has taken lots of education, practice, and personal development to fit my lifestyle. Years of growing into motherhood with growing children has been an eye-opening journey.

I don’t want moms to feel the discomfort of incontinence and low-back pain… Or tension in the neck and shoulders from stress and poor breath mechanics...

That’s why I have taken all I have learned, and packaged it into easy-to-follow movement programs to help moms on their journey.

From fixing your posture and resetting your foundation – to quick and easy workouts that can calm your nervous system in minutes and give you a boost of energy and clarity…

There is something here for YOU, mom.

Trainer Melissa Ellis

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Fitness trainer doing mermaid pose against colorful diamond painted wall

Melissa’s mission is to bring better movement to moms and to serve women to the best of her ability while maintaining strong values in all of her coaching, training, teaching, and learning.

Melissa is focused on helping moms continue doing the physical activities they enjoy most – throughout pregnancy, motherhood, and beyond.

For one-on-one training, visit www.mombellyfitness.com